Prelinger Library’s Sonic Sundays Continue

My sonic environments at the Prelinger Library are now running into their second year. On Sundays at the Library, my “instrullation” — part installation part musical instrument — continues to infuse books and other texts with a sonic sensibility, giving visitors a unique library experience.

Every Sunday I host at the Library from 1:30 to 4 PM. During those hours I improvise with and on a 12-channel, spatially distributed, “musique concrète” instrument that I set up for Library in January 2022. It consists of around 600, mostly fleeting, sound recordings that are specifically tuned to this Library’s stacks, its contents, and its meaning as a symbol of a house of knowledge.

This is one brief walk-through in the Prelinger Library on S(•)unday, April 28, 2024

audio installation and video: T. Blum

This is another brief walk through the Prelinger Library on S(•)unday, April 28, 2024

audio installation and video: T. Blum

And here’s a sample of the instrullation at the Prelinger Library on S(•)unday, April 21, 2024

audio installation and video: T. Blum

I am pleased to be a continuing Artist In Residence at the Library, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary at its present location in San Francisco, opening in 2004.

Prelinger Library
301 8th Street (at Folsom St.)
Suite 215
San Francisco, CA 94103

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